Tuesday 5 March 2013

So here we are!

Hey beautiful people!

So...here we are!
WAY is up and running in Bristol :) It was a long process but I'm so glad it's finally here. From my random idea one sunny day in August (or rainy as it's usually in the UK!) to the opening on the 1st of March. I'm so glad I did most things by myself (and my husband helped me a lot) and how I wanted. It feels a little bit more special.
I hope WAY will add something a little bit different to the streets of Bristol.
It's not for everyone, of course, but those who like to be cool, will definitely find something in WAY. I actually had a nice comment today from an older lady who looked very stylish, she said we added a bit of Camden to Bristol! :) This is so cool, just as I wanted!
Anyway, here are some pictures of the shop. I hope to see you there! xxx



  1. It looks sooo nice. I really respect you, you have your own shop, that's awesome!

    1. Thank you so much Liza :) I hope other people will like it too! best wishes xxx
      ps. you are my number one fan and first follower! :) woho!

    2. I bet they will! If I lived in your neighbour I would definitely visit your shop once a week. Ah yes I feel superspecial right now, don't forget me if you get super famous with your shop! I wish you all the best. XX

  2. can't believe i didn't know about you guys until today, i was in bristol last week too :( ill just have to wait until next time eyy! xx
